Posts Tagged ‘sex crime’

Prevalence of Victims of Sexual Abuse in Homosexual Population

August 19, 2008

I am sure there is research somewhere, or some deep psychological explanation with reasoning. But it seems to me that a large majority of the gay people I know have at some time in their life been victims of some sort of sexual assault, abuse, molestation or exploitation.

I imagine the critics of homosexuality as a genetic alteration would be quick to use this as a reason – that is to say, “I bet they were straight until that horrible thing happened to them. Now they’re just gay because they’re scared of the opposite sex.” Let me tell you outright – this is NOT the case.

Unfortunately, I do fall into the statistical majority. However, I was well aware of my sexual orientation long before I fell victim to one of society’s misfits. So, I don’t have a fear of men – and I am gay, and I always have been.

Perhaps it’s more a reaction to society’s condemnation of homosexuals. Because we live in a society that attempts to make us feel ashamed of ourselves, we begin to discredit ourselves as people. And perhaps in this process, a homosexual is more likely to fall victim to a sex crime – either because their self loathing and low self esteem makes them an easier and more vulnerable target or because their own devaluation of themselves causes a person to be more likely to put themselves in a dangerous situation – or to end up with people who don’t respect them.

I’m not sure why, and it’s sad that it is this way. However, I do not know a single person who “became” gay because they feared the opposite sex.